The Glen tavern inn
![]() The Glen Tavern Inn in Santa Paula, Ca has been many things since its birth in 1911 and haunted is at the top of the list. Room 307 is thought to have multiple ghosts, namely, Calvin and the prostitute. There have been several claims of a spirit named Calvin occupying this room and also the lobby. It is said that a cowboy named Calvin was shot and killed during a game of cards back when the 3rd floor was used as a gambling den. During a renovation, a western-style hat was discovered behind one of the walls. Another spirit seen and heard in room 307 is an unknown woman believed to have been a prostitute who was murdered, and some say beheaded. Her body was left in the closet and later discovered by a maid.
The Queen Mary![]() It is said that a male ghost has been seen in the engine room where he was killed while the ship was still in service, there have also been reports of the sound of children playing in the pool. The most accessible haunted area is near door 13 in the engine room,where a young man was crushed trying to escape a fire. He was only 17 and had lied about his age in order to get the job. Another of the accessible haunting areas is the front desk of what is now the hotel portion of the ship. Sightings include a mysterious woman in white who will be sighted walking until blocked from view by a pillar and never coming out from behind. Also, a couple has been seen walking down the hall to either side of the main entry to the first class rooms, but are never seen in the hallways themselves.
Old Barstow HospitalThis investigation was special to S.C.A.R.S. because our members work in the medical field. It was especially important to me because I worked at this hospital from 1996-2007. I had many encounters with death at this hospital as well as personal experiences with my own family as patients. Being back here in these empty halls was a bitter sweet experience I'll never forget. Our evidence consists of personal experiences, our equipment being tampered with, to photographs, video evidence and interactions with the flashlight experiment. What an amazing experience.
Graber Olive House![]() Since before Steve and I founded S.C.A.R.S., he had been telling me how he had wanted to investigate The Graber Olive House in Ontario. After being invited to a paranormal conference by The Paranormal Housewives, and getting to see the history and beauty of the property we had to make it happen. With the help of the guys at Darklands Paranormal, we got in. Great history, great location, great investigation!
Return To Clovery AveOn our second trip to Clovery Ave, we focused on the clients closet in his master bedroom. We had personal experiences in that area during our first investigation and wanted to focus on that area the second time. Another great investigation at this private residence.
FootstepsHarvey House![]() On this investigation, S.C.A.R.S. traveled to Barstow, Ca to explore the Historical Harvey House. We captured EVP's, a few potential photographs, and had an amazing live group EVP session with interaction via our K2 meters. Claims of children playing in the halls and on the staircase, a tortured soul named Rachel who threw herself from the balcony, and a smoking gentleman named Mr.Buchanan who was crushed between two rail cars. We had an amazing time investigating this Historical site and hope to visit again soon. A special thanks to Ann, Justin, Caydee and Emily for the tour of the building and their wonderful hospitality. Equipment Used: Sony IR surveillance camera X 4, mini IR camera, and GoPro for constant monitoring of "Hot Spots", K2 meters for EMF detection, Sony DVR X 3 for EVP sessions, Sony Handycams for night vision footage in basement, SLIM, SPEC, and CANON for handheld images, iPad Mini for documentation and evidence review, Laser grids for motion detection in "Hot Spots", Motion sensors, baby monitor for constant listening in ballroom, handheld thermometers for temperature fluctuations.
Audio EvidenceThis EVP was captured upstairs, near the elevator. You can hear the S.C.A.R.S. team members talking, but then there is a pssst, pssst, pssst and what appears to be a woman's voice saying "Bless you?" There also sounds like a woman saying "So" towards the end of the EVP.
In this EVP, investigators Katelyn and Bryan are in the ballroom. Katelyn asks, "If you have anything to say, we're listening" and gets this response..
This EVP was a direct response to investigator Katelyn's question, "Do you want to hold the camera?"
This EVP was captured in the basement by lead investigators Randy and Dan. They were the only two in the basement at that time.
Rancho Camulos![]() On this investigation, S.C.A.R.S. was invited to Rancho Camulos in Piru, Ca. by The Paranormal Housewives. The photograph to the left was taken as we were walking to another building. Co-Founder Steve snapped a quick shot of the attic window and it appears that he may have captured an image of a face. Medium Vici Ruffulo, seen in this episode of Ghost Adventures along with her husband Joe, had seen a man in the attic on two different occasions.
Equipment used: We traveled light during this investigation. We used "Slim", our IR still camera, "Bella", our handheld video recorder and our newest edition to the family "Spec", our handheld full-spectrum camera. We each and a K2 meter and a Sony digital voice recorder. Our GoPro Hero3 made an appearance as well. A lot of the pictures were taken with our Canon T1i.
In this EVP you can hear a faint sigh.
This was captured near the stairwell leading up to the Attic. Cloverly Ave
![]() On this investigation S.C.A.R.S. was asked to come to a private residence. The owner claims that there is a playful phantom child that likes to play peek-a-boo and move objects. Other claims include, hearing names called, feelings of being touched and seeing shadow figures. Equipment Used: Sony IR surveillance camera X 4 for constant monitoring of "Hot Spots", K2 meter for EMF detection, Sony DVR X 2 for EVP sessions, Sony Handycam for night vision footage in Master Bedroom, SLIM for handheld images, iPad Mini for documentation and evidence review, Laser grids for motion detection in "Hot Spots", Motion sensors, trigger objects for enticement of child phantom.
Haunted Ponds![]() Palmdale -Haunted Ponds - There's a place next to the California Aquaduct and Bear Creek Rd. where a house used to be, around 40 years ago. legend has it that the woman that lived in the house was hung on a tree branch over a pond on the property by her jealous husband. It is said that on clear nights when the moon is bright you can see her hang from the tree & hear the sound of a woman weeping. Equipment used: Gopro Hero 2 for video of the investigation, Slim7 IR camera for stationary recording of hot spots, Bell+Howell camcorder for production of investigation, Sony digital recorder for EVP evidence, K2 meter for EMF detection, IR lights for night vision, Canon and Nikon digital cameras for still shots. This first EVP that we caught was heard at the pond away from the foundation. The audio has been enhanced and the hum removed so our voices sound distorted but the EVP remains unaffected. We think it is saying animal or a**hole.
The second EVP was heard in real time as a growl over the hill from the foundation of the property. We believe that it is saying help me. Listen closely after the second cracking of twigs. It is very faint and fast.
George Air Force Base![]() Victorville - George Air Force Base is a former United States Air Force base located within city limits, 8 miles northwest of central Victorville, California, about 75 miles northeast of Los Angeles, California. Among the facilities located on the base are a hospital and dental clinic. The facility was closed by the Base Realignment And Closure in 1992 at the end of the Cold War. It is now the site of Southern California Logistics Airport. George Air Force Base has seen it's share of tragedy. On April 7, 1954 an F86 jet fighter swerved, crashed into a truck on the runway, burst into a ball of fire and roared into two parked planes. The pilot and two men on the fire truck were killed. Five airmen were burned in the huge blaze. Three men died instantly, two men on the fire truck, as was the F86’s pilot. Two of the men suffered skull fractures and numerous fractured bones. The pilot was almost decapitated and his body was severely burned. The burned airmen were personnel working on the flight line when the crash occurred. Equipment used: GoPro Hero2 for recording investigation, Nikon digital camera for still shots, Sony voice recorder for EVP, UV flashlights for different illumination of areas, and toy dog as a trigger device to attract the spirits of young children.
Oro Grande Cemetery![]() Oro Grande AKA Rodigues cemetery- The town of Oro Grande dates back to 1852 with the founding of a trading post along the Mojave River. Gold mining operations began shortly after. During the early 1900's, a cement factory was built, which still runs today. Most of the people interred at the cemetery are miners and cement workers. Approximately 132 graves were spotted, most of which are marked by white wooden crosses. Most markers do not provide grave information.
Equipment used: Canon digital camera for still shots, Sony voice recorder for EVP. |
This EVP was caught in the closet of a private residence.
Prior to capturing the EVP, the motion light had gone off. Directly after the EVP, we had a hit on the K2. This sigh was captured in the kitchen area.
In this EVP, you can hear S.C.A.R.S. team members having a conversation and what appears to be a male voice whispering, "It likes it"
This EVP was also captured in the basement where no females were present at the time.
This next EVP was captured in a hallway near the "Teepee" room. You can hear a woman voice making a Hmmm sound.
This EVP was captured in the bathroom by one of our investigators Dennis. You can hear a faint male voice saying "Alright"
Audio EvidenceThis clip was caught in the clients Master bedroom when he was conducting an EVP session with his neighbor. The client never heard the footsteps, but he saw something moving in the room.